Saturday, August 31, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay

The first stop at the place of employment on the first day of work is human resource management (HRM) office. Known in the past as the personnel department is now HRM; the place where contracts and all necessary documentation is processed before employment begins at the workplace. To some this is a friendly place and to other is threatening. Definition To understand what human resource management means and does, it is necessary to begin with a definition of its terms: Human: of, relating to, or characteristic of humans, consisting of humans (Merriam-Webster). Resource: a source of supply or support; an available means usually used in plural; a natural source of wealth or revenue often used in plural; a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality of human life; a source of information or expertise (Merriam-Webster). Management: the act or art of managing; the conducting or supervising of something (as a business); judicious use of means to accomplish an end; the collective body of those who manage or direct an enterprise (Merriam-Webster). From these definitions an idea of human resource management forms and can be states as: The art of conducting or supervising the source of supply or support of humans. The purpose obviously is to perform tasks assigned in exchange for a wage or salary during a specified period of time or shift. Primary function HRM can be seen as the welcoming door to the company for new employees, but it represents much more than that. As part of the organization, HRM deals with the changes in the world affecting the company and its employees. Preparation is constant in this fast-paced world to cope with the newest changes in globalization, technology, workforce diversity, and labor shortages (DeCenzo 2007 p4). In today’s world, skill requirements are constantly changing and the improvement of the workforce is also continuous. HRM is responsible for overlooking the fulfillment of these needs in the company and all its different locations throughout the world. Globalization expanded the horizons for business and requires a deep understanding of the cultural diversity. Organizations like McDonalds, Exxon, BMW, General Motors, Sears, and many more like these generate their revenue from  different parts of the world. Making a presence in different countries requires knowledge and understanding of their cultures, not only the language and and typical traditions. HRM is responsible for the training of the company representatives asigned to the various countries where the company has operations. The primary function is no longer just the hiring and processing of new employees, but the primary function is now to manage the human resources available and their labor relations for the company’s operations locally or globally. Role of HRM in an Organization’s Strategic Plan The organization’s strategic plan is the core for the entire operation and the goals set to accomplish. HRM plays a very important role in this plan and the success or failure of the strategy starts off by how three of the management principles are applied by HRM. Oganizing, as a management principle, falls under the responsibility of HRM for specifying tasks, establishing departments, establishing channels of authorities, delegation of authorities, and coordination of subordinates activities. Basically this represents the foundation bricks for the strategic plan (Bateman, 2009). Leading is another management principle that falls under the HRM role and it is getting others to get the job done and motivating subordinates. Standard operating procedures, code of ethics, employees benefits, and other tools are used by HRM to accomplish this part of the role in the organization’s strategic plan (Bateman, 2009). Controlling is the management principle used to set standards for expected results and implement corrective actions when not going in the right direction. HR managers measure the efficiency of persons employed for the tasks and maintain turnover to low levels. HRM is responsible for the control of labor practices to keep them within legality, the avoiding of discriminatory actions and potential losses due to lack of training (Bateman, 2009). HRM is the backbone for any organization and is critical that human resource managers keep updated on all the changes affecting business. References Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (2012). DeCenzo, D. and Robbins, S. (2007) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 9e p4 John Wiley & Sons Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, by Bateman and Snell (8th edition, 2009) Retrieved from EBook Collection,

Friday, August 30, 2019

Human behaviour

Human Behaviour Psychology According to Sigmund Freud, (1856-1939). human beings are just mechanical creatures, whom he views as prisoners of primitive instincts and powers, which we can barely control. He states that our purpose is to control these instincts and powers. Freud explained these concepts by comparing the human spirit to an Iceberg. The vlslble part of the Iceberg (spirit) Is the conscious part, which consists of everything we know and remember and the thinking processes through which we function. The unconscious part is made up of everything we have ever learned or experienced, ncluding that which has been â€Å"forgotten†.A part of these forgotten things are really gone, but the largest part of the unconscious has Just been shut out, because It would be annoying to be consciously reminded of it. The influences of Helmholtz are also visible at other points, According to Freud, the material in the unconscious contains psychic energy. This psychic energy is constan tly trying to get into the conscious part, while the conscious part keeps using energy to suppress undesirable discoveries. An expression of unknown powers Is, for example, slips of the tongue.These expressions show that our unconscious was not strong enough to keep these powers outside the conscious part. Philosophers in the seventeenth and eighteenth century (like Descartes and Hobbes) shared a mechanistic view. They thought that some of our actions are the result of internal or external forces, which are not under voluntary control. Hobbes, for example, claimed that underlying reasons for behavior are the avoidance of pain and the quest for pleasure. The extreme of the mechanistic view Is the theory of instincts. An instinct is an innate biological force, which commands the organism to ehave in a particular way.The main advocate of the instinct theory was the psychologist McDougall. He hypothesized that all thinking and behavior is the result of instincts, which are fixed from bi rth, but which can be adjusted by learning and experience. By changes and combinations of instincts he tried to explain the whole repertoire of human behavior. Human behavior psychology Is one of the theories of learning based upon the central Idea that all human behaviors are attained through conditioning. This is also known as behaviorism. Conditioning happens through the nteraction of human beings with the environment.According to human behavior psychology, human behavior can be studied in a systematic, methodical, recognizable and observable manner with no deliberation of internal mental states. Strengths of human behavior psychology/3ehaviorlsm Human behavior psychology is based upon observable and noticeable behaviors, thus easier to quantify, collect empirical data and Information while conducting research. Behavioral intervention, token economies, and discrete trial training are some 0T tne erective remealal tecnnlques wnlcn are all rooted Intenslvely In numan ehavior psych ology, also commonly known as behaviorism.These techniques are very helpful in changing maladaptive, detrimental or harmful behaviors in both children and adults. Criticisms of human behavior psychology/behaviorism Many detractors point out that human behavior psychology or behaviorism is an exclusively one-dimensional approach to human behavior and thus such human behavioral theories do not account for free will and internal influences such as moods, thoughts, feelings, etc. Behaviorism or human behavior psychology does not ccount for further types of learning, in particular learning that occurs lacking the use of reinforcements.Also individuals are able to adapt their human behavior when new information is brought in, even if a previous behavior pattern has been established over a period of time through reinforcement. Human behavior refers to the range of behaviors exhibited by humans and which are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, h ypnosis, persuasion, coercion and/or genetics. The behavior of people (and other organisms or even mechanisms) alls within a range with some behavior being common, some unusual, some acceptable, and some outside acceptable limits.In sociology, behavior in general is characterised as having no meaning, being not directed at other people, and thus is the most basic human action. Behavior in this general sense should not be mistaken with social behavior, which is a more advanced action, as social behavior is behavior specifically directed at other people. The acceptability of behavior depends heavily upon social norms and is regulated by various means of social control. Human ehavior is studied by the specialised academic disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, social work, sociology, economics, and anthropology.Human behaviour is experienced throughout an individual's entire lifetime. It includes the way they act based on different factors such as genetics, social norms, core faith, an d attitude. Behaviour is impacted by certain traits each individual has. The traits vary from person to person and can produce different actions or behaviour from each person. Social norms also impact behaviour. Due to the inherently conformist nature of uman society in general, humans are pressurised into following certain rules and display certain behaviours in society, which conditions the way people behave.Different behaviours are deemed to be either acceptable or unacceptable in different societies and cultures. Core faith can be perceived through the religion and philosophy of that individual. It shapes the way a person thinks and this in turn results in different human behaviours. Attitude can be defined as â€Å"the degree to which the person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question. One's attitude is essentially a reflexion of the behaviour he or she will portray in specific situations.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How does Friiel use language and stagecraft Essay

Friels main concern, writing in the 1980s, seems to be the struggle for identity. One interpretation of the play is that Irish identity has been continually threatened since 1591. Friel writes his play in 1988 whilst living through Irish civil unrest during the troubles of northern island. By setting making history in 1951, friel is addressing time span and the struggle for identity that he may feel began with the English/Irish power struggle. The book centres on Hugh O’Neil, who is the Earl of Tyrone and at the start of the play is 41 years old. He is described as a ‘ private, sharp minded man’, and he is a good main character because he is an interesting person who has a lot of conflict in his life. Hugh O’Neil changing his accent from English/Irish to Tyrone, is a good use of a languageas he always speaks in an upper-class English accent accept on the occasions specifically scripted. The Tyrone accent usually happens when he is angry about something. ‘ Just to show him I haven’t reverted completely to type- would that be it’, Friel choosing to use this type of lanuguage shows that O’Neil is rebellious and is proud of his irish identity. The arguement between Mary and mabel in the garden shows how Mabels identity and alliegience has changed from English by Irish. This is shown when the two are discussing farming and is asked about the orchards and says ‘No, WE havent’. This use of language shows she conisders herself part of the irish identity. The use of stage craft in this scene shoes the intensity of Mary and Mables conversation ‘ speaks with concern and passion’. This further highlights the conflict between the English and and Irish and the struggle for Mary to accept Mabels new identity. Mabel and the baby’s death is a signifficant point in the play as it is a metaphor for the inabiliity of England and ireland being able to Co-exist peacefully, as the baby would have had both enlgish and irish blood in him.  The timeline from when the audience is first inroduced to hugh and then at the end of the play is a signifficant contrast and change to his identity. The stagecraft used shows this as he is described as being ‘volatile and bitter’ compared to the beginging of the play when he is described as ‘uncharacteristically outgoing and talkative’. Friel and lomabrd are both trying to create history, Friel with the play he wrote and lombard with his Biography of Hugh Oniels life. Lmbard tries to make Hugh appear to be a hero but this displeases hugh as he feels it is not his true identity.’ i dont trust you. i dont trust you to tell the truth’. Each part of the play highlilghts how brian friel has shown the struggle for identity through the use of language and stagecraft. The main use of language that friel has used to convey identity through language is the description of the characters and how each has struggled with thier identity. Potraying the characters in this way is a clever metaphor for the struggles ireland itself has had to go through to keep its identity. The clever use of stage craft and lighting symbolises the struggles ireland have continually faced throughout history. The way Friel describes hugh O’niel in later life, with his declining health and along with Mabel and the baby’s death, symbolises ireland loosing the struggle with england. The use of stage craft at the end of the play where it says ‘O’Neil is now crying. Bring down lights slowly’. is an effective end to the play as it symbolises the end of the struggle between ireland and england.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Analysis of the movie Alphaville in comparison to today's society Essay

Analysis of the movie Alphaville in comparison to today's society - Essay Example In this film, Lemmy Caution invades the scientific city of Alphaville with a range of objectives, which partly includes the assassination of the professor von Braun (Godard). The professor creates a world that outlaws emotions and punishes by killing people found to have succumbed to these â€Å"illogical† qualities. Gradually, the entire world of Alphaville is withdrawn from natural human qualities by replacing emotions with scientific concepts. The result is a world that gravitates towards self-destruction, and which becomes a threat to other societies that do not subscribe to its own laws. This film is a reminder of some of the perils of scientific developments. The past decades have seen rapid developments in the world of technology as scientists seek all possible ways to increase efficiency and effectiveness in all discourses of human concern. Generally, the development of a system that relies on scientific knowledge might be assumed a positive, even laudable step. Howeve r, such developments acquire negative qualities whenever they invade into the natural discourses that are controlled by the natural qualities of humanity. Technically, the society of Alphaville as controlled by the computer program challenges the basic tenets that support human emotion and compassion. In some sense, human beings and machinery are made into a uniform continuum that must exist in perfect harmony according to the strict boundaries provided by the professor. It might be important to consider the effects of increased reliance on scientific concepts of developments on the society. Past and recent analyses of social trends have revealed a worrying increase in the cases of family disintegration and divorce in the world. The trends shows that the most developed parts of the world are more affected by the collapse of the family unit as compared to the developing parts of the world. For instance, statistics indicate that the family unit in the United States has always been und er the constant menace of collapse (Wells and McFadden 59). This reality could be explained in form of the pressure that derives from the world of logic and science. Scientific progress, as shown in Alphaville has the potential of disrupting the harmonious survival of humanity. As such, it becomes important to exercise caution when embracing systems that are significantly reliant on the laws of science. By their very nature, the laws of science are limited and narrow. They cannot comprehend the complexity of human nature. In order for these laws to govern human existence, they must fight against systems that cannot be reduced into clear theories. Matters of love, care and compassion cannot be quantified. Value judgments have metaphysical qualities in nature. They cannot lend themselves to explanations founded on the laws of logic. Due to this fact, it becomes necessary to investigate the place of science within the basic survival of humanity. Essentially, it is impossible for scienc e to destroy the governing laws of human compassion, emotions, and feelings without destroying the entire humanity. One of the issues that are discussed within the concept of science is its role in the process of human development. Some social researchers have identified a growing gap between the world of science and nature. Science dehumanizes humanity by promoting the laws of logic above those of emotions. Warfare, human abuses, and other catastrophic occurrences have been blamed on the laws of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Civil War - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the American civil war, generally known as â€Å"The Civil war†, was fought in the period of 1861-1865. The Civil war burst out between the American state (the United States of America) and Southern slave states (‘Confederates’), which declared secession and rebelled against America; one of many triggering causes for that was slavery and poor lifestyle. The war centered in the areas of Mississippi and the Appalachian Mountains. President Lincoln had to face many challenges and embarrassments in the Western theatre of the civil war. The primary disaster for the United States’ federal army came when Lincoln planned to launch a campaign to get Mississippi as it was of primary and paramount strategic importance.   Lincoln thought that Vicksburg, Mississippi, would be a key to success if the American army managed to get through mountains. He ordered General Grant to move with around 32,000 men in the parallel of Mississippi river where other 40,000 men would meet him to start a joint offensive. But supply line of Grant was cut and the mission was foiled. This is considered as one of the major setbacks in the western theatre of war.   Another major military embarrassment was the Battle of Shiloh when Confederate forces  attacked the federal army on April 6. There were casualties of around 13,000 shot down dead out of 63,000 soldiers who took part in the battle, and the main reason behind this was that the exhausted federal army troops did not retreat in time.... In the spring of 1863, Abraham Lincoln ordered another attack to gain Mississippi. This campaign was going to be the turning point of war as the confederate forces had foiled a great attempt from the state army to get the mountain of Mississippi which was regarded as a place of great military and strategic significance in the western theatre of war. This time the state army did not risk themselves by routing a supply line from the northwest of Mississippi rather they used the dirt roads from the western sides which were drying after the rains. With the help of US navy boats and some massive supply routes, they were able to get the mountain of Mississippi. This campaign is regarded as a great success for the American army. On 10 April 1865, General Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House, of the confederate army surrendered to the State army. This surrender is regarded as the key turning point in the civil war as it magnified the social division inside the con federate states and the morale went down which started the psychological defeat process of the confederate army in the region2. Question 3 Accompanying the highest number of casualties, the civil war came with many blood bathed war theatres and battles were very less decisive with self-depicted results of these battles. Some of the examples from the war history are given below which show that the primary intentions of many battles were not achieved; rather foiled at the end. After a great rest at Tullahoma, General Rosecrans planned to flush out General Bragg of the confederate army out of Chattanooga, a great strategic place having the high mountain areas which can be

Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Biology - Essay Example However, this has been widely criticized as there are new illnesses associated with the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, which has caused a rise in the level of such diseases across the nation (Genetic Roullete, n.p.). Genetic modifications have been known to be carried out without the awareness of both the FDA and the general public which raises questions on the safety of such products. Furthermore, companies have been known to put these products on to the market without alerting the public. This has been criticized due to the fact that these modifications are rarely put under intensive testing despite the adverse effects that have been associated with genetically modified foods. Such effects include infertility, change in structure of the liver and susceptibility of the individual’s digestive system to various diseases. Another area that makes this a worrying issue is the nature of genetic modifications which results in every cell of the organism possessing the m odified toxins which the human digestive system has not adapted to or developed mechanisms of digesting. Furthermore, these toxins are poorly excreted and damage the liver, and in cases of pregnant women can cross the placenta and lead to several complications with the pregnancy or the child in the near future (Genetic Roullete, n.p.). Such foods are not part of the natural system; hence, the body is likely to develop allergic responses after their consumption. The introduction of genetically modified food has led to an increase in the number of allergies and individuals in modern times are now developing allergies to basic food commodities such as parsley or regular vegetables which were previously considered as part of a healthy diet. These allergic responses to genetically modified food lead to the disruption in normal functioning of the immune system. Hence, individuals also develop immune responses when they consume foods of a similar nature even if they are not modified, resul ting in the necessity of dietary alterations. The harmful effects of modified foods is not just a myth as children and individuals who have been diagnosed with several diseases of the digestive system have shown 100% recovery after they change to consuming an organic diet. In addition, research on mice has shown that they become infertile after injection with genetically modified food, they also present with change in organ structure and they decrease in size with every generation. The question however rises why this research is frequently ignored and is never followed up. When this food is introduced to chicken embryos, it has fatal effects within a few hours, which shows the potential damage it could have to pregnant women (Genetic Roullete, n.p.). Specialists have stated the danger associated with genetically modified food as it is a potential threat due to the fact that it creates several genetic mutations in the DNA. Furthermore, these mutations are further transferred to the f ollowing generations. This could lead to a new generation which is susceptible to several illnesses, including infertility. Hence, this has been considered a case of emergency due to the fact that the population might not be able to sustain itself in the near future. In addition, genetically modifying crops leads to a cycle of nutrition deficiency that leads all the way from the plants to the livestock and to the humans. The process of modifying crops has also been found to increase the number of mortalities among cattle and other livestock. Removal of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Outline and discuss the evolution of CSR, including its history, role Essay - 1

Outline and discuss the evolution of CSR, including its history, role in the financial crisis and prospects for the future. Supp - Essay Example The topic of social responsibility is a highly debated one, as several theorists think that â€Å"business is obligated only to make profits.†2 On the other hand, many believe that all business entities have a social obligation it is bound to fulfill. However, there is no denial of the fact that while operating to make profits, a business organization has to ensure that they keep the interest of the society and environment in mind because basically the revenues they make have to primarily derive from the same society and environment. Definition: Corporate Social Responsibility can be defined as the â€Å"relationship between global corporations, governments of countries and individuals citizens.†3 CSR is also encompasses the relationship between corporations and their stakeholders. The EU Commission further defines CSR as a concept where â€Å"companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations†4 as well as during their interactions with stakeholders on a â€Å"voluntary basis.†5 Thus, in simple terms it is the responsibility corporate organizations have towards the society they work and operate in. Furthermore, this responsibility is not limited to the present generation in a particular society, but also extends to coming generations, that is the â€Å"future members of the society.†6 CSR is greatly related with â€Å"corporate citizenship, business responsibility, business reputation, ethical corporation, sustainable business†7 etc but is different from them. The CSR approach believes that stakeholders such as â€Å"consumers, employees, the community at large, government, and the natural environment†8 are supposed to be given a stronger focus. Social responsibility of the firms basically stems from the fact that they are using the natural resources available in the area where they function. Thus, they are bound to give something back to the society. In the present day, the wellbe ing of society has become increasingly important, and community is given the main priority in all spheres. In such a community centered world system, the question of who is responsible to safeguard the interests of the people cannot simply be answered by government. While government has a key role, the growing private sector companies including corporate entities need to focus not only on making profits, but also consider the impact of their operations within the society. History and Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility: The basic idea of CSR has its roots in the era before the birth of Jesus Christ and is first seen when in â€Å"1700 BC†9 the ancient Mesopotamian ruler brought into practice a code that imposes punishment on â€Å"builders, innkeepers or farmers†10 by death if as a result of â€Å"their negligence†11 any inconvenience is caused to local citizens. The people engaged in any trade related activities have to abide by this code, not merely b ecause they feared â€Å"legal consequences†12 but because of their strong sense of â€Å"moral conviction.†13 On the other hand, ancient Roman senators were upset with the fact that businesses were unable to provide adequate taxes in order to â€Å"fund military campaigns,†14 therefore unsuccessful to â€Å"contribute to the war programme.†

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Science Fiction, Technology, and Our Modern World Essay - 5

Science Fiction, Technology, and Our Modern World - Essay Example It is strange when Monica describes her feelings for her three-year-old son, David, and she say that she had tried to love him in vain. It is sad that her love for him is questionable. Rationally speaking, mothers have endless and immeasurable love for their children, a fact that is unrepresented in Monica-David case leaving us with many unanswered questions about Monica’s motherhood. Brian Aldiss tells us that Monica is lonely, and he never mentioned whether she had friends or family for companionship (Arthur 443). At the end of page one, the writer reaffirms that she remained lonely. Monica seeks help from Teddy, another robot toy to try to comprehend why she is unable to communicate with David, not to mention companionship. David on the other hand questions Teddy whether his mother loves him and wonder whether he is truly real. He tries to write letters to explain his feelings about his mother and the inner conflicts he battles with, but all his letters remain incomplete (Arthur 445). Henry in his Company discusses the future development of artificial forms and bio-electric beings. He discusses the new Artificial Intelligence under construction that would finally solve the problems of humanity relating to loneliness and isolation. Monica also discovers David’s incomplete letters whose content depict lines about love and jealousy contempt for Teddy, whom Monica seems to bond with perfectly than David. The letters puzzle her, and when Henry arrives, she shares this with him that the Ministry of Population has selected their family to give birth to a child. Eventually, we discover that David is not a human child but an artificial human designed to ease Monica’s loneliness and replace a real child’s position. Monica privately tells her husband that David has a verbal malfunctioning and must be taken back immediately to the factory (Arthur 450). Brian Aldiss concludes his story with David thinking of love and warmth of his

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Journal Entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Journal Entry - Essay Example This essay discusses that the patients had to be given a bath and medications at the appropriate time. In addition, patients needed someone they could talk to about their fears and families. Nurses should endeavor to provide high-quality care for their patients.  This essay discusses that the patients had to be given a bath and medications at the appropriate time. In addition, patients needed someone they could talk to about their fears and families. Nurses should endeavor to provide high-quality care for their patients.   As a person, I have always demonstrated a lot of patience and understanding. One of the reasons for joining the nursing profession was as a result of the empathy that I feel towards people who are suffering. This enabled me to understand that the demanding nature of the patient was as a result of the fears that he had. For example, it was evident that he feared being separated from his family. I was able to empathize with him because I have seen people close to me behave in a stubborn manner an attempt to mask their fears.   An encounter with a teenage girl who was about to deliver a baby helped to change my worldview about the use of contraceptives and abortion among teenagers. I have always believed that teenagers should not have access to contraceptives because it encourages them to engage in sex when they are not prepared to handle the consequences. Moreover, I used to have conservative views about abortion. However, the patient revealed that had it not been for the support of her family, then she would have been forced to terminate the pregnancy because she realized that a baby would significantly affect her ability to realize her dreams. In addition, she regretted not having been educated about the use of contraceptives.                    Ã‚  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets Essay

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets - Essay Example In addition to the challenges and support systems for SMEs in emerging markets, technology is another focus of attention and how it can be used to enhance the growth of SMEs in emerging markets. This is because the global market today is mainly influenced by constant changes in technology. Further, the development SMEs within developing markets also require R&D as a way of enhancing innovation to ensure that products from emerging markets compete at the same level with products from industrialized nations. This paper also discusses how the information from the literature can be used in future to improve the prospect of entrepreneurs and that of SMEs within emerging markets. SMEs today contribute towards new investments across the globe and thus, the need for various stakeholders to shift their focus in this emerging sector. SMEs normally lack the resources at the disposal of large firms to invest in difficult markets. However, numerous opportunities exist for SMEs in terms of investing in developing markets. For example, South Sudan, a new entrant in the global market presents abundant opportunities for SMEs. In industrialized nations, SMEs have a significant impact on the economy; however, this is not the same in the emerging and underdeveloped countries. This is because SMEs are faced with a number of constraints that include poor infrastructure, collateral requirements that are sometimes considered unrealistic and high administrative costs. In addition, financial constraint is seen as a major hindrance for the development of SMEs in emerging economies1. On another note, where the SME sector is weak, this also impact negatively on job opportunities, innovation and a country’s GDP. In this sense, establishing support structures for SMEs result in various benefits for the emerging markets. This is because supporting SMEs growth

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Data Protection Act 1998 and Broad Based Hr Essay Example for Free

Data Protection Act 1998 and Broad Based Hr Essay Assignment The main purpose of my current job role is the responsibility for processing all aspects of the Company’s payroll from start to finish and providing HR support to the other members of the team to ensure the effective day to day running of the HR function. This includes assisting with the recruitment of new staff and maintaining personnel records relating to employees in compliance with relevant legislation and regulation. To successfully undertake my role a wide range of skills, knowledge and behaviours are required.   The two professional areas Insight Strategy and Solutions and Leading HR are the heart of the profession and are the most important to all HR professionals. Very important is to understand the Company’s HR Strategy. The core of the Company’s HR strategy identifies two broad based HR objectives: Ensure that the talent and abilities of staff are recognised and developed to their full potential Ensure that the individual and collective skills and abilities of staff support the on-going delivery of Company objectives Develop understanding of the Company and use the insights to tailor strategy and solutions to meet organisational needs now and in the future Helping employees understand their role in change, the reason for it and the results that are expected In the design of the annual HR plans all members of the department work collaboratively to ensure the plans are challenging and deliver positive results for the company. As a leading HR it is important to support development plans and programmes. Provide advice confidently based on sound understanding of organisation’s policy and practice. Act as a role model leader, support, develop and measure others across the organisation. Work collaboratively with colleagues to deliver good policy, practice and advice. Employee engagement is important so that all employees have connection with their work, colleagues and to the organisation so that employees are more fulfilled by work and make a greater contribution towards organisational  objectives, therefore particular attention is needed to good leadership and management. To be effective in my role I need to refer to eight behaviours: 1. Curious- to be open to trying ideas reflect, analyse and test them and insight with others, take on board change, implement changes to payroll system and procedures try new ides 2. Decisive Thinker – analyse payroll data to ensure details and facts are correct, complete and consistent; use experience, standard procedure and common sense and knowledge to solve payroll problems while recognising limits of experience and authority within the organisation 3. Skilled influencer – understand how to influence within the culture, governance of performance framework and politics, identifying the key points to communicate on any interaction, selecting the right message and audience 4. Personally credible – improving own experience, knowledge, skills shearing it with colleagues, considering how to add value and ensure expertise is developed, accept and act on feedback on own performance to both criticism and praise 5. Collaborative – passing information promptly, keeping colleagues up to date, support them in their day-to-day work, handle disagreement as they occur, seeking a constructive solution, showing respect for diversity 6. Driven to deliver – identify the steps to achieve agreed tasks, goals and objectives in the immediate or short term, keep track of own progress, keeping deadlines or inform others when targets can’t be met, deliver to expectations and commitment, meeting or exceeding agreed standards 7. Courage to challenge – stand by own proposal in the face of difficult questions, providing supporting evidence, explore the full range of viewpoints, consult others when facing problems, undercover pertinent facts to move a debate forward 8. Role model – consistently act according to organisational and legal principles and agreed processes, deal with personal date and information in a highly professional manner and relevant legislation such as Data Pr otection Act, deliver expectations and promises Experience of processing all aspects of Payroll A good understanding of tax codes, tax and NI rates, thresholds, allowances  and deductions from pay Ability to calculate payroll manually A good understanding of SSP, SMP, SAP and Employment Law Experience of recruitment campaigns A good understanding of HR policies and procedures Ability to maintain confidentiality and ensure data protection principles are adhered to at all times Ability to work on own initiative and deal with difficult and sensitive situations Ability to organise and prioritise workload and to meet agreed deadlines and targets Excellent interpersonal skills

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Evaluation Essay Essay Example for Free

Evaluation Essay Essay The National Basketball Association, popularly Known as the NBA, was established in New York City on June 6, 1946, as the Basketball Association of America and the Chicago Bulls became a member of the NBA after their establishment in 1966. Since becoming the NBA, the basketball played during the playoffs has proven to be far more competetive than that played during the regular season of at least 60 games per team. This was proven beyond doubt when the Chicago Bulls defeated the Brooklyn Nets in the 2013 playoffs after trailing by 14 points with only 3 minutes and forteen seconds of regulation time left. This was quite hard to believe and turned out to be an unexpected reality despite the susceptibility of the Chicago Bulls to injury and the absence of their superstar, Derick Rose. With the emergence of the 2008 number 1 draft pick of the NBA, Derick Rose, drafted by the Chicago Bulls, there was hope for an NBA title for the city of Chicago which has not had any hope since the Michael Jordan era. After the horrible 2012/2013 regular season in which the Bulls suffered a great deal of injuries worst than any other NBA team, the Bulls head into the playoffs still short handed. The first impression about this Bulls team is their resilience considering their success into the playoffs despite the injury woes. The first round featured the Bulls and the Nets in what is suppose to be a seven game series with the winner being any team with the first four wins. The two teams meet at the Barclays Center in New York for game 4 of the series with the Bulls leading two games to one. The game appea red to be pretty even within the first three quarters untill the nets blowout to a 14 point lead with exactly 3 minutes and 14 seconds of playtime left on the clock. At this point, no one could see the possibilty of a Bulls win considering the absence of a superb playmaker like their all-star point guard, Derick Rose who used to lead them to numerous comeback wins. Notwithstanding, the bulls backup point guard, Nate Robinson, who is just 5 9 tall, Weighing 180 lb popularly reffered to as little Nate by most basketball journalists and analysts went to work. He can be reffered to at this point as the savior, but who could have imagined that at a crucial point like this, it will be the backup point guard, who is not ony the smallest player on the bulls roster but also one of the least regarded who will bail them out. With the nets leading by 14 at this point, all hope was lost but the Bulls coach, Tom Thibedeau, was still on his toes with the hope to salvage the situation.  Nate took over, first by hitting a three point basket. The lead was down to 11, but the Nets coach was pretty relaxed and still had hope for a victory while little Nate thought otherwise. He made 90% of all the points made by the Bulls from this point on. With the Nets loosing the ball at the other end, the bulls converted at the other end. By the time the short clock was at 1:14, the bulls had made and 8:0 run, and the battle was far from done. This was quite unexpected for many reasons. The basketball played during the playoff is way more competitive such that it is rare to see an 8-0 run at a crucial point such as in this situation. In addition to this, the bulls were very short handed compared to a very health Brooklyn team with promissing reserves as well. It all came down to this; Who had the passion, who had the drive as one of the journlists noted. At this point, even though Little Nate was the main playmaker for the bulls, all the players stepped up their game. Everyone was alert. The rebounding was up, the defending up, the players seemed unstopable at this point. Still, everyone still doubted a bulls win who were still down by 6 points with 1:14 left on the clock. Notwithstanding, the bulls believed in themselves and kept the pace. With the players doing a great job, there was one man who can be reffered to at this point as the fuel, the coach, Tom Thibedeau. He was sensational, and constantly on his toes and he is regarded as someone who believes in winning with no regards to whoever is on the court, whether they are stars, superstars, rookies or average players. This was the mentality he impacted on the bulls despite the absence of their best player. With 1:11 left, the bulls continue to make their run through Nate. Relative to his performance that night, this little guy appeared very tall and not even Brook Lopez, a very big guy of 7 ft 0 and 275 lb on the opposing team could stop him. Lopez put a huge body on little Nate whose intelligence overcame the doggy defence. He continued to nock down shots to everyones suprise. Big things come in small packages one of the journalists said in reference to his astounding performance. Both teams were level at the end of the fourth quarter and headed for overtime. This was a turning point for both teams. While the nets played well, the bulls w ere clearly the team with the bigger drive to win. Nothing could be seen to limit the bulls not even age in the case of veteran center Nazr Mohammad, the oldest guy on the bulls roster who came off the bench and hit a huge basket with a great offensive rebound that  solidified the bulls win in the third overtime. In conclusion, the bulls win over the nets in game 4 of the 2013 NBA playoffs was a thriller and no body could have seen it coming. It is worth noting that, believe and hardwork was the driving force of such an unexpected comeback.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Indias Tata Steel Company Analysis

Indias Tata Steel Company Analysis By acquiring Anglo-Dutch steel firm Corus, Indias Tata Steel is now one of the worlds top five steel makers. Professor Tarun Khanna says the fact that the deal is the largest out of India and generated by the private sector makes this a notable event. But now comes the hard part-making the merger work. Can Tata avoid mistakes made by Chinese companies? Key concepts include: * Tatas acquisition of Corus is notable not only for creating a new steel giant, but also because this deal was a private sector venture far from Indian government influence. * Tata should be able to make the merger work by virtue of its position of financial strength as well as previous cross-border experiences. The West should not underestimate this heretofore relatively unknown competitor. Contents INTRODUCTION TATA STEEL C0MPANY:- Tata Iron Steel Company Ltd. (TISCO) is the iron and steel production company associated with the Tata group of some 80 different industrial and other business enterprises in India, founded by members of the Tata family. TISCO operates as Indias largest integrated steel works in the private sector with a market share of nearly 13 present and is the second largest steel company in the entire industry. Its products and services include hot and cold rolled coils and sheets, tubes, construction bars, forging quality steel, rods, structural, strips and bearings, steel plant and material handling equipment, Ferro alloys and other minerals, software for process controls, and cargo handling services. Through its subsidiaries, TISCO also offers tinplate, wires, rolls, refractories, and project management services. Tata Steel was established by Indian Paris businessman Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata in 1907 (he died in 1904, before the project was completed). CORUS STEEL COMPANY:- Corus Group was created in October 1999 through the merger of British Steel and Koninklijke Hoogovens, and consists of mills and service canters, that produce and distribute steel products to customers worldwide. Corus service Centres, part of Corus Group with sales of over $2 billion, process and distribute products such as coil, sheet, structural sections, bar, tube, and plate products. They provide a variety of processing services such as slitting, levelling, shearing, sawing, and a range of multi-step plate processes. 1 LITERATURE REVIEW CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP: CHANGE MANAGEMENT: It is a organized approach to trade with change, both from view of an organization and on in the individual level. This of change management assignment relates to transformation theory. As in an organization changes transform by the leader Mr.RattanTata (CEO) for the reputation and profitability of an organization. CHANGE MODEL: The three stages of change that are still the basis of many approaches today. Unfreeze:- The term change ready is often used to describe people who are unfrozen and ready to take the next step. Some people come ready for change whilst others take a long time to let go of their comfortable current realities. Changing:- may be hard for the individual, often the hardest part is to start. Even when a person is unfrozen and ready for change, that first step can be very scary. Transition can also be a pleasant trap and, as Robert Louis Stephenson said, It is better to travel hopefully than arrive. People become comfortable in temporary situations where they are not accountable for the hazards of normal work and where talking about change may be substituted for real action. Refreeze At the other end of the journey, the final goal is to refreeze, putting down roots again and establishing the new place of stability. In practice, refreezing may be a slow process as changing seldom stop cleanly, but go more in fits and starts with a long tail of bits and pieces. There are good and bad things about this. 2 LEADERSHIP: It is the influencing process of leadership and followers to achieve organisational objectives through change. For achievement and growth of the company, Mr.Rattan Tata change the leadership with employees. STYLE OF LEADERSHIP: Transformational leadership in terms of how the leader affects followers, who are intended to trust, admire and respect the transformational leader. He identified three ways in which leaders transform followers: Increasing their awareness of task importance and value. Getting them to focus first on team or organizational goals, rather than their own interests. Activating their higher-order needs. 3 OBJECTIVES OF CHANGE The main objective of Merger Acquisition transaction is as follows: Proper utilization of all available resources. To prevent exploitation of unutilized and underutilized assets and resources. Forming a strong human base. Reducing tax burden. Improving profits. Eliminating or limiting the competition. Achieving savings in monitoring cost. REASIONS FOR MERGING FOR CORUS:- Total Debt Of Corus Is 1.6 Ban Gap. Corus Needs Supply Of Raw Material At Lower Cost. Though Corus Has Revenue Of $ 18.06 Ban Its Profit Was Just Of $626 MN. Corus Facilities Were Relatively Old With High Cost Of Production. Employee Cost Is 15% While That of Tata Steel Is 9%. Tata had a strong retail and distribution network in India and SE Asia. This would give the European manufacturer an in-road into the emerging Asian markets. FOR TATA:- Tata Was Looking To Manufacture Finished Products In Mature Markets Of Europe. A Diversified Product Mix Will Reduce Risks While Higher End Products will add to bottom line. Corus Holds A Number Of Patents And RD Facility. Tata Is Known For Efficient Handling For Labour And It Aims At Reducing Employee Cost and Improve Productivity. It Will Move From 55th Position In World To 5th In Production Of Steel Globally. Tata was a major supplier to the Indian auto industry and the demand for value added steel products was growing in this market. Hence there would be a powerful combination of high quality developed and low cost high growth market 4 CHANGES:- Corus legal identity was changed last November to Tata Steel Europe. Kirby Adams, MD and CEO of Tata Steel Europe. With the transition to Tata Steel name our customers have the reassurance that the technical ex annual revenue and work force of 50,000 employees Valuing the Acquisition. Method used Enterprise Value Multiple. (EV represents a companys economic value the minimum amount someone would have to pay to buy it outright) Precise and capability earned over a long and successful period will be enhanced by aligning a world-class product with a global leader in steel production. IMPLEMENTATION OF CHANGE MODEL: Market has not responded well to this deal as the price of the stocks fell. Investors are worried about cash outflow and the resultant strain on companys balance sheet. Of the total cash to be paid in the deal $4.1 billion will be forked by Tata steel, rest of the money will be as debts and will be returned from Corus cash flows. No merger is riddle free and almost every has a bit of it. Tata steel needs to concentrate on bringing down the production cost, which is high now. They need to use the best of their management skills. Rattan Tatas dexterity has worked out for the benefit of the group and this time will be no exception. The shareholders need to keep their faith intact in the group and this will pay as it has before. 5 AFTER MERGER: THE GLOBAL STEEL INDUSTRY:- The current global steel industry is in its best position in comparing to last decades. The price has been rising continuously. The demand expectations for steel products are rapidly growing for coming years. The shares of steel industries are also in a high pace. The steel industry is enjoying its 6th consecutive years of growth in supply and demand. And there is many more merger and acquisitions which overall buoyed the industry and showed some good results. The subprime crisis has led to the recession in economy of different Countries, which may lead to have a negative effect on whole steel industry in coming years. However steel production and consumption will be supported by continuous economic growth. 6 CONTRIBUTION OF COUNTRIES TO GLOBAL STEEL INDUSTRY The countries like China, Japan, India and South Korea are in the top of the above in steel production in Asian countries. China accounts for one third of total production i.e. 419m ton, Japan accounts for 9% i.e. 118m ton, India accounts for 53m ton and South Korea is accounted for 49m ton, which all totally becomes more than 50% of global production. Apart from this USA, BRAZIL, UK accounts for the major chunk of the whole growth. The steel industry has been witnessing robust growth in both domestic as well as international markets. In this article, let us have a look at how has the steel industry performed globally in 2007. 7 CAPACITY:- The global crude steel production capacity has grown by around 7% to 1.6 ban in2007 from 1.5 ban tonnes in 2006. The capacity has shown a growth rate of 7% CAGR since 2003. The additions to capacity over last few years have ranged from 36 m tonnes in 2004 to 108 m tonnes in 2007. Asian region accounts for more than 60% of the total production capacity of world, backed mainly by capacity in China, Japan, India, Russia and South Korea. These nations are among the top steel producers in the 8 AFTER MERGER: BENEFITS:- Corus well known strength is the production of high-end steel-used in construction automobile and aircraft as well as its impressive research and development will complement Tata Steel. The merger will also give it access to the important markets of Europe. All that will benefit Corus is the management expertise of the Tatas and their cost advantage in producing steel. With their acumen they will bring down the production cost of Corus. Tata Steel expects to earn $300 million per year through cost savings. Market has not responded well to this deal as the price of the stocks fell. Investors are worried about cash outflow and the resultant strain on companys balance sheet. Of the total cash to be paid in the deal $4.1 billion will be forked by Tata steel, rest of the money will be as debts and will be returned from Corus cash flows. No merger is riddle free and almost every has a bit of it. Tata steel needs to concentrate on bringing down the production cost, which is high now. They need to use the best of their management skills. Rattan Tatas dexterity has worked out for the benefit of the group and this time will be no exception. The shareholders need to keep their faith intact in the group and this will pay as it has before. 9 CHANGE AGENT: I believe this will be the first step in showing that Indian industry can in fact step outside the shores of India in an international marketplace and acquit itself as a global player. RATAN TATA RESISTANCE: Takeover defences include all actions by managers to resist having their firms acquired. Attempts by target managers to defeat outstanding takeover proposals are overt forms of takeover defences. Resistance also includes actions that occur before a takeover offer is made which make the firm more difficult to acquire. The intensity of the defences can range from mild to severe. Mild resistance forces bidders to restructure their offers, but not prevent an acquisition or raise the takeover price substantially. Severe resistance can block takeover bids, thereby giving the incumbent managers of the target firm veto power over acquisition proposals. A natural place to begin the analysis of takeover defences is with the wealth effects of takeovers. There is broad agreement that being a takeover target substantially Increases the wealth of shareholders. Historical estimates of the stock price increases of target firms are about 20% in the mergers and about 30% in tender offers. The large gain for target stockholders in takeovers seems to imply that all takeover resistance is bad. Resistance makes the firm more difficult to acquire. If the defence works, it lowers the probability of a takeover and stockholders are thus less likely to receive takeover premiums. Takeover resistance can benefit shareholders. Stockholders are concerned about the market value of the firm 10 CONCLUSION:- Conclusion With Corus in its fold, Tata Steel can confidently target becoming one of the top-3 steel makers globally by 2015. The company would have an aggregate capacity of close to 56 million tonnes per annum, if all the planned Greenfield capacities go on stream by then. We can conclude that if the acquisitions well planned, Executed and the necessary precautions taken for the deal a company can achieve its strategic objectives and thus ensure its growth through Acquisition. 11 REFRENCES 1 2 3>company 4 5 www.barometer.edlman.comtrust/2009/ 6 7 Leading Change by John P. Katter 8 Managing Change and Transition by Richard Lucked 9 Change Management by Jeffrey Hiatt and Timothy Crease 10 The Change Management Pocket Guide by Kate Nelson and Stacy Aaron 11 Leading Change by James OToole. 12

Shakespeares Othello - The Character of Iago :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Character of Iago in Othello  Ã‚      One of the most intriguing characters in the tragic play "Othello," by William Shakespeare, is Othello's "friend" Iago. At first glance, Iago seems to have no motive for the destruction he is causing. However, despite Iago's unquestionable malignancy, the motivation behind his actions lie more in Iago's quest for personal gain, as opposed to just being evil for evil's sake. In order to achieve his personal gain Iago manipulates Rodrigo, Cassio and, most importantly, Othello. Iago's main interest is the destruction of Othello. The reason being that Othello has chosen another man, Cassio, as his second-in-command, preferring him to Iago. This resentment, accompanied by Iago's fabricated accusations of adultery and his blatant racism, cause Iago to despise Othello, and shortly thereafter, begin to conspire against him. Instead of just killing Othello, Iago proceeds to attack him emotionally. Iago begins to manipulate the people around him in order to hurt Othello and make him think that his wife, Desdimona, and Cassio are having an affair. The first to fall victim to Iago's manipulation, is Rodrigo. Iago knows Rodrigo has feelings Desdemona, and would do anything to make her his own. Iago tells Rodrigo that the only way to win Desdemona's love, is to make money to procure gifts for her. "...put money in thy purse.." (Act 1, Scene 3, Line 339). However, Iago is just taking those gifts intended for Desdemona and keeping them for himself, and in doing so, making a substantial profit. "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse" (Act 1, Scene 3, Line 376). Rodrigo eventually starts to question Iago's honesty. When faced with this accusation, Iago simply offers that killing Cassio will aid his cause and the gullible Rodrigo falls for it. "I have no great devotion to the deed and yet he has given me satisfying reason," (Act 5, Scene 1, Line 8). In doing this, Iago keeps Rodrigo in the dark and continues to profit from him monetarily. Cassio, like Rodrigo, follows Iago blindly, thinking the whole time that Iago is trying to aid him , when in-fact, Iago, motivated by his lust for power, is attempting to depose Cassio of his position as lieutenant. Iago does this by getting Cassio drunk and causing him to get in a fight and disturb Othello, Othello then demotes Cassio of his rank as second-in-command thus securing the position for Iago.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Living with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome :: Personal Narrative Health Essays

Living with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) The end of 2002 and the beginning of 2003 was a very trying time for my loved ones and I in Guangdong Province. I didn't know what was happening in my town. It started with people getting fevers. My father told me that the flu was spreading, that everyone is getting sick and I better stay inside if I don't want to catch it. Little did we know that what we were trying to avoid was not a mere flu outbreak, rather the coming of something much worse. My father's early dismissal of this disease only kept us comfortable a few months. By February of 2003, over 300 cases of this disease were reported just in our province. The fevers turned into respiratory problems and finally pneumonia. The Chinese Ministry of Health said this was atypical pneumonia. As conditions worsened here, it came to be known that a local doctor treating the pneumonia visited Hong Kong. Some how his contact with our infected citizens led him to infect 12 others on his hotel floor in Hong Kong. After the outbreak in Hong Kong, people started to take the disease more seriously. An outbreak occurs in Vietnam, tracing back to a man admitted in a Hanoi hospital for a high fever and sore throat. He goes on to infect 20 staff members at that hospital. At every hospital where these symptoms were present, the staff kept getting sick. The disease was termed Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS for short. By March, there was even a case of a flight attendant from Singapore who contracted the disease from a stay at a Hong Kong hotel. It was later found that through contact she had spread her case to 100 others in Singapore. During this ordeal life in our province became extremely difficult. I was told to always stay indoors. I couldn't leave the house to see my friends or even go to the store. The farmer we got our eggs from became very sick, and soon after his whole family shared his illness. People were afraid to go anywhere. We didn't know how this was getting around, all we had were the hundreds of people getting sick. The disease grew to huge proportions in Hong Kong.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Womens Athletic Organizations :: Pro Con Essays

Pro's and Con's of Women's Athletic Organizations being Incorporated by Men's Athletic Organizations When the American Basketball League (ABL) started up, I was one of the wide-eyed young athletes who dreamed of playing in it when I grew up. I had always had lots of women role models as athletes, but this gave me something that I could aspire to do with my life. These women were playing basketball as a career. My parents took me to games to see the New England Blizzard and the Columbus Quest play. One time we stayed in the same hotel as the Columbus team, and they all came out of their rooms and talked to me and autographed a program for me. That summer that Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) initiated by the National Basketball Association (NBA). I was adamantly against the WNBA from the moment I heard its name. Take the men's league and stick 'women' in front of it, and you had the WNBA. The WNBA wasn't even playing basketball during the right time. No one should have a basketball season during the summer. Of course, they couldn't play during the winter because then th ey would be interfering with the men's games. The NBA couldn't let women's games draw support away from the men's games. In my thirteen-year-old eyes, the ABL was a league made for women by former female players. It had female coaches and it was the true basketball league that would give women an equal chance. The WNBA was thought up as a novelty by fat white men in business suits who thought that with the NBA's backing and money, they could do just about anything. So why not let women play basketball and see how it went over? In retrospect, I can see that neither of my opinions on the two leagues was exactly correct. However, I still resent the NBA-supported WNBA for breaking the first women's basketball league that had a real chance of surviving. I resent it more because I know that the WNBA did have a better chance of competing in the business world of professional sports because they did have support from the men's league. The WNBA would get more sponsors than the ABL would, and it could afford to not make a profit for a few years with the financial support from the NBA. I can also see that with my height and lack of natural athletic ability there was no way I would have ever made it into either league.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Is K-Pop a Good Influence or Bad Influence?

What is K-Pop? K-pop or known as Korean Pop is a new music genre that was originally come from South Korea, Asia. Some say K-pop offered another style of music which has catchier and offer easy listening songs for their lovers. What makes it different too is that the style the singer has shown is something new for us and how they can deliver music on their own way that I believe none of this ever existed before. Just like how they could mix perfectly between the upbeat songs with various kinds of dancing and obviously with their good looking actresses who will make anyone who watch it will fall for them. Good morning Sir/ Madam, today I would like to talk about how K-Pop brings good influences for many teenagers. The love for K-Pop has been spreading widely nowadays, especially in Indonesia. People are arguing whether K-Pop brings a good influence or bad influence for teenagers. Firstly, it is fine for teenagers to like K-pop. I believe to be fond of Korean idol is fine. How could I say so? First, as I read on an article, admiring someone who has professionalism in doing their job will bring a good suggestion to the fans that will suggest the fans to do the same. As it is already a fan's nature for admiring and feeling proud to the attitude of their idol. Being a K-pop artist is really hard, they must have good grade at school because their grades would show whether they are willing to learn or not, and have a good skill that has been examined by the agency and also a good attitude. So that’s why professionalism is the most important thing for being a K-pop artist. This professionalism will enforce teenagers to do so. Fans want to be like their idols, K-Pop idols are showing hard working attitude and how they never give up their dreams and become better as time goes by, for example they undergo packed and brutal training schedule in order for them to be better and better. Thus it will motivates the fans. Another thing that it is already a nature for fans when they love an idol, they'll do everything. Many of K-pop artists are smart, for example is Cho Kyu Hyun who is very smart in Mathematics and has won several Math Olympiads in South Korea, this encourages the fans of Cho Kyu Hyun to study hard as hey are seeing Kyu Hyun as their role model, at the time when Cho Kyu Hyun won several medals he was also in his teenage year, therefore it's easy for fans to look upon him because it suits their situation now. Secondly, teenagers could widen their social intercourse and even knowledge. Why? When someone likes K-pop I can make sure that they will not keep it for her or himself. They will share it with others, for example joining fans gathering, K-pop fans will try to spread the love. By liking K-pop fans usually will always get the latest updates of their idols as a fans' nature is to dig as much as they can as long as it's related to their idols and that will force them to be aware on how to connect themselves with the world that might make them being sophisticated teenagers. Sounds rare? But that’s the truth. Knowing K-pop will make fans curious about South Korea itself, as they will be trying to be closer to their idols as much as they can, they would try to learn South Korea's culture and language, this is useful for teenagers as it could enriches their knowledge about the world outside. Furthermore, I would like to say that K-pop unites the world. Teenagers nowadays are able to meet new friends around the world through K-pop fancafe or social networks as they are sharing the same interests. Having friends overseas are good as they'll be using English since English is the universal language and that would train them to speak English more. Articles about K-pop for international fans are also written in English, therefore fans will try to improve their English as they don't want to miss their idols latest updates. Despite the view from the adults that liking K-pop will cause teenagers to lose their nationalism, as when someone is obsessed about something, they will do everything related to it and by liking K-pop means that teenagers will spend more time in learning about South Korea and forgetting about Indonesia's tradition and culture. Adults have also been saying that K-pop just gives distraction to teenagers. Especially parents think that their children are distracted from their studies as they always think about K-pop, watching videos about K-pop or reading fan fiction and neglect their studies. Another reason that was given by them is because of the consumerism soul of teenagers. It is true that being K-pop fans is not cheap. Even an album that only has 5 songs in it could cost Rp. 200,000 . It is a fans nature that they want to meet their idols so when their idols come, they become desperate to watch the concerts and moreover whenever there's concert, merchandises such as light-stick, banner would be essential for them to cheer their idols and all of those are not cheap. Adults are thinking that it's just wasting money. People are saying that K-pop artists are fake and just motivates teenagers to do plastic surgery in order to look pretty or handsome. They are saying that K-pop is all about plastic surgery, the K-pop artists will do it so they can be pretty or handsome and sometimes it's necessary if they want to have a lot of fans in Korean music industry. I myself believe that nothing is wrong with plastic surgery, why would we accuse someone for being fake only because they did plastic surgery? It's not like they are doing crime. Every person in this world has their own rights, if the K-pop artists want to do it, then it's their rights, it doesn't go against the human rights. Afterall, what is wrong for someone having a desire to have a better look? I don' think that this brings bad influence for teenagers, even in South Korea itself, parents usually give their children plastic surgery as birthday presents and this motivates the children to be a good and well-mannered child if they want to get plastic surgery as their present. So, I strongly believe that there is nothing wrong with it. All of those are true. However it's back to themselves. It's back to their ability to control themselves and to hold their temptation. As long as it's consumed wisely, I believe that K-pop will only bring good influences for teenagers as I myself experience it. In my experience, I believe that K-pop has bring good influences into my life. Despite people saying that K-pop will distract me from my studies, I am very sure that it doesn't. In fact, K-pop is one of the main factors that motivates me to study even harder and keep up good marks. I see K-pop as my motivation, I always think that if I study hard and get good results, in the end I can award myself by going to K-pop concerts or buying their official merchandises. Whenever there's a big exam coming, I always make a note which says something like â€Å"Rank 1 = K-pop Concert† , and it really motivates me. I really respect all the K-pop artists, they sacrifice everything to chase their dreams. There's this one quote that always stuck in my head, â€Å"If you really want one thing, you have to give up on another† , said Lee Tae Min, a member of SHINee. It teaches me that if I really want something, I have to stick to it, be consistent and not easily influenced by others, I have to focus on my aims. Moreover, K-pop teaches me to fight for what I want, just as what Minho, a member of SHINee, korean boy group says, â€Å" If you don't give up your hopes and dreams, then there will always be a good ending. † Thank you for your attention and now I end this speech.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Compare and Contrast the spread of Christianity and Buddhism Essay

Both Buddhism and Christianity from their origins to the sixth century C. E. had similarities in that the diffusion was attributed through missionary work and conquest. Meanwhile, Christianity spread through the down fall of Rome and Buddhism spread by Ashoka who sent monks to share the teachings of the Buddha. Christianity and Buddhism both spread through missionaries. Specifically, Buddhism, towards part of South and Southeast Asia and, Christianity the Middle East through Europe. Buddhism’s missionaries were in forms of monks that lived in monasteries and taught the Buddhist’s beliefs. On the other hand, Christianity, was spread through the downfall of Rome by groups of missionaries, like Paul, that taught to European and Middle Eastern cities. The diffusion by conquest was different with Christianity than Buddhism in tactics used to convert the religion. German tribes such as Saxons, Angles, and Jutes were impacted by missionary workers in the Western empire spreading Christianity and overtime they adopted the religion. When the tribes invaded and conquered most of England, they made the conquered convert to Christianity. Meanwhile, Buddhism is stationed on the belief of non-violence. Ashoka was a Hindu when he was younger and after witnessing many bloody battles and becoming troubled by the effects of wars on humanity, he decided to convert to a life of non-violence. Ashoka being a king made him be able to adopt the religion of Buddhism and he sent monks to surrounding territories to share the teachings of Buddha. Buddhism and Christianity had several similarities in how they diffused. However, they each had different roots and beliefs. Buddhism began in India in the late sixth century B. C. E, while Christianity began several centuries later in Israel and started spreading from Jerusalem. Buddhism shared some beliefs with Hinduism and soon became rooted in China. Meanwhile, Christianity shared roots with Judaism and Islam. While both religions spread with the help of missionaries, Christianity also spread when Constantine converted. Buddhism believed in nirvana and Christianity believed in heaven and hell. All in all, Buddhism and Christianity have many different beliefs and roots that each contributed to their diffusion. Buddhism and Christianity are two of today’s major world religions, but they each gained followers in many different ways. Spreading from Eastern Asia to Europe, both religions influenced a variety of people and groups as they spread their beliefs. With the help of missionaries, they each continued to impact people from their origins to the sixth century C. E.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

If i were the principal

If you were the Principal of your school†¦ The Principal of your home school has taken a leave of absence and you have been appointed to fill In during his absence. What are the three main changes you would make to your school to make learning easier for you and the students? I would make some classes shorter. I would have lots ot fun. I will let some things go If the kids are getting their work done. DA The first thing I would do Is make my classes smaller. At my home school It Is about twenty-five kids to a class.I would make it about ten kids so it can be easier and less hassle. I would assign about two teachers to a class to help out more. one teacher can teach the whole class and the other can get some individual teaching done. The last thing I would do is make games out of the class work at the end of every week and have prizes or extra credit for the winners. This would encourage the kids to want to learn. MB I would assign games that would help us learn. I would also mak e sure that the work would have some type of fun with It.I would also assign extra teachers so they would understand better. CM I would allow all the students to have a pair of headphones because I think you will probably get more work and stuff done if you have something taking the distractions away. would allow the students to work together except for on exams and tests because that would not only make learning easier but demonstrate team work too, The last thing I would do is permit all the teachers in the school to hand out NO homework because when the kids leave from school that's the ast thing they want to be worrying about.I dont think homework does anything anyway except make things harder on kids, especially teens. J3 It I were principal ot my school. I would have more hands-on activities, more study hall, and more educational movies. DM Three things would do to make things easier to learn are: students allowed to help each other; students allowed to stay after school in li brary to do homework/any work; make sure students are doing work at their level.RC I would allow all the students to ave a pair of headphones because think you will probably get more work and stuff done if you have something taking the distractions away. I would allow the students to work together except for on exams and tests because that would not only make learning easier but demonstrate team work too. The last thing I would do is permit all the teachers In the school to hand out NO homework because when the kids leave from school that's the last thing they want to be worrying about.I don't think omework does anything anyway except make things harder on kids. especially teens. JB Three things I would do to make things easier to learn are: students allowed to help have a pair of headphones because I think you will probably get more work and stuff the teachers in the school to hand out NO homework because when the kids leave homework does anything anyway except make things harder o n kids, especially If I were principal of my school, I would have more hands-on activities, more study make sure students are doing work at their level. RC

Management Training Program in America

I want to use this opportunity to discuss two things, both near and dear to my heart; The United States Marine Corps and Management. Throughout this paper I want to focus on how I think civilians can learn to be better managers by using what that corps has established over it†s illustrious 223 years as the â€Å"Best Management-Training Program in America† Inc. (Freedman). The United States Marine Corps manages using a principle I learned in this course: Decentralization! Let me break this down. I learned it quite simply as the rule of three. But before I define this, I will briefly explain to you a small portion of the Marine rank structure. A Corporal is the first rank that an enlisted Marine is considered a leader due to his/her rank (though all Marines are trained to lead). The Corporal is the first of the Marine Non-commissioned Officers (NCO†S), then in ascending order is the Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Gunnery Sergeant, and so on. Now back to the rule of three. Each Marine has three responsibilities. In our organizational structure, a Corporal has a three-person fire team; a Sergeant has a squad of three fire teams; and a Staff Sergeant has a platoon of three squads; and so on, up to the Colonels and Generals. For the typical business, decentralizing and flattening organizational structure involves â€Å"gutting several layers of management, often leaving managers overwhelmed with as many as a dozen direct subordinates† (Freedman). In contrast, the Marine Corps has been able to push out authority but still maintain a â€Å"simple hierarchical structure designed to keep everyone†s job manageable† (Freedman). What at first glance may seem rigid or narrow, the many layers between the Private and Colonel lend opportunity for innovation. At the same time, even the lowest ranking Marine, the Private knows that he or she is expected to do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission. An organization (civilian) may want to look at this a little further. We must have established managers, but the notion of delegation of authority should be expanded in the civilian world. Well considered delegation of authority not only lifts some pressure off the titled manager, but also gives some well-deserved leadership satisfaction to an employee who may never have had the chance to be a â€Å"manager†. The success of the Marine Corps Management strategy is apparent in the vast numbers of ex-Marines who hold the Chief Executive Officer, President, Vice President, Chairman, and Manager positions at all levels in top. Although exact statistics were not available at this writing, the extraordinary number of ex-Marine managers has been documented. Dillon and Macht, in their article, â€Å"The few, the Proud, the CEOs: Former grunts on the Marine Corps way of doing business,† elucidate the transition from dress blues to business suit. Phillip Rooney, vice chairman of ServiceMaster Co. and countless other ex-Marines, there is no better preparation for running a business than the intense training of the U. S. Marine Corps. â€Å"Nothing can quite compare with Marine Corps training and combat service to stretch your leadership skills in bringing people together to accomplish a mission† (Dillon and Macht) Another ex-Marine cited in Dillon and Macht, Quaker Oats CEO Robert Morrison, strengthens the case for the Marine Corps brand of decentralized management. â€Å"There were clear parameters that were instilled in everybody†s mind, but in an actual battle situation, within those parameters, people had incredible freedom to act. † Morrison has found the Marines† principle of decentralization â€Å"tremendously important in business. Management can instill principles and guidelines, but you can†t do people†s jobs for them† (Morrison). The organizational structure, which allows for freedom to act, while demanding personal responsibility to meet organizational goals, seems to be a ready formula for success. â€Å"What ever you environment is, it will change. In business it will change fast. You can learn to make quick decisions without all the information; you†re tolerant of those who make mistakes but intolerant of those who can†t act fast† (Caulfield). One Chicago job placement company, Hire Quality Inc. , specializes in placing honorably discharged military personnel and embraces the Marines â€Å"rule of three. â€Å"I have a chief operating officer reporting to me, he has three people reporting to him, and so on down the line† (Caulfield). A closer inspection of Marine management structure reveals flexibility in a defined structure. Innovation that is spawned at one level may travel both up through higher ups and down through the ranks. The Marine Corps also takes advantage of innovation from the civilian sector, by training officers on Wall Street to get a lesson in how to make fast decisions based on information flowing in through banks on monitors. The combination of strong management and training with attention towards evolving methods and technologies buttresses organizational structure, both military and civilian. No one argues that the Marine Corps way is the only successful strategy for business. However, in many time tested examples Managing from the Corps has proven successful. Further exploration can only benefit those of us that will be managing the next millennium.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Add math project

Obesity can lead to various health problems. My school has decided to carry out a â€Å"Healthy Lifestyle Campaign† with the aim to create awareness among students about obesity-related health problems. The Body Mass Index (BMI) gives an indication of the physical state of person as being underweight, normal, overweight or obese. BMI can be calculated by using the following formula: BMI = History Body Mass Index (BMI) The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is a measure for human body shape based on an individuals mass and height. It was devised between 1830 and 1850 by the Belgian polymath Adolphe Quetelet during the course of developing â€Å"social physics†. At first BMI was used by epidemiologists in studies of population health, but was quickly adopted by doctors who wanted a quick and easy way to measure body fat in their patients. By 1985, the National Institutes of Health began defining obesity according to body mass index. At first, the thresholds were established at 27. 8 for men and 27. 3 for women. Then in 1998, the NIH consolidated the threshold for men and women even though the relationship between BMI and body fat is different by sex and added the category of overweight. The new, drastically lowered thresholds were now 25 for overweight and 30 for obesity. Body mass index (BMI) is defined as the individuals body mass divided by the square of their height. The formulae universally used in medicine produce a unit of measure of . A frequent use of the BMI is to assess how much an individuals body weight departs from what is normal or desirable for a person of his or her height. The weight excess or deficiency may be accounted for body fat although other factors such as muscularity also affect BMI significantly. Who regards a BMI of less than 18. 5 as underweight may indicate malnutrition, eating disorder, or other health problems, while a BMI greater than 25 is considered overweight and above 30 is considered obese. These ranges of BMI values are valid only as statistical categories BMI Category below 18. 5 Underweight 18. 5 24. 9 Normal Weight 25 29. 9 Overweight 30 and above Obese BMI can also be determined using a BMI chart, which displays BMI as a function of mass (horizontal axis) and height (vertical axis) using contour lines for different values of BMI or colors for different BMI categories. A graph of body mass index as a function of body mass and body height is shown above. The dashed lines represent subdivisions within a major class. For instance the Underweight classification is further divided into severe, moderate, and mild subclasses. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. BMI is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat. In children, a healthy weight varies with age and sex. Obesity in children and adolescents is defined not as an absolute number but in relation to a historical normal group, such that obesity is a BMI greater than the 95th percentile. The reference data on which these percentiles were based date from 1963 to 1994, and thus have not been affected by the recent increases in weight. Obesity is another term for excess body fat. Normal body fat percentages range from 18%-23% in men and 25%-30% in women. Men with body fat percentage greater than 25% and women with a body fat percentage greater than 3% are considered obese. Obesity occurs when intake of calories exceeds the daily caloric requirement. The National Institute of Health (NIH) classifies obesity as a chronic disease, which requires a lifelong effort. If an individual has excess body fat can be determine by various methods. These methods include body density using underwater body weight, dual x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), measuring skin-fold thickness, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The DEXA test and weighing an individual underwater are most accurate methods, although they can be expensive, time consuming and are not always practical. The two most common methods for measuring a person’s excess body fat are using a weight-for-height tables and body mass index (BMI) measurement. The weight-for-height tables provide a range of acceptable weights for a person of a given height. There are many versions of these tables with different weight ranges, which limit their use. Because of variability of these tables, BMI has become the measurement of choice for many doctors and researchers. BMI is calculated using a mathematical formula that accounts for a person’s height and weight. BMI is equal to a person’s weight in kilograms (kg) divided by height in meters squared (BMI=). Aim The aim of this project work is to investigate the relationship between height, weight and BMI with students’ health condition. The purpose of this campaign is to create awareness among students about obesity or underweight related to health problems. We should select an appropriate balanced diet to avoid from being a victim to such illness. Nutritional guidelines play an important role in helping us to make informed choices about our nutrient intake. The foods that constitute a balanced diet should contain the major nutrients which include carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, as well as vitamins, minerals, water and dietary fibre. A balanced diet is essential for the healthy growth and development of the body. The objectives of carrying out this project work are: 1 To collect data on the heights and weights of students. 2 To calculate BMI of each students. 3 To represent data using various methods. 4 To relate students’ knowledge with the data obtained. 5 To suggest ways to practice healthy lifestyle. The methods of research are as follows: 1 To obtain the height, weight and BMI of 50 students in Form 1 and 50 students in Form 5. 2 To tabulate the data consisting the height, weight and BMI of this 100 students. 3 To convert the data and represent it using three different statistical graph. 4 To find the mean, mode and median of BMI for the 50 students from each group of students. 5 To calculate the variance and the standard deviation of BMI for this students. Statistic : Finding mean, mode and median of ungrouped data and grouped data. Finding interquartile range, variance and standard deviation of ungrouped data and grouped data. Finding gradient according to the data. Mean Mean for ungrouped data: Adding up all the values in a set of data and sum in then divided by the number of values, we shall obtain the mean of the set of data. Hence if

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

1111857 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words - 1

1111857 - Essay Example The oteoclasts have osteoblasts that are replicating to come up with a bone density and mass, if heavy weights fall on them, or dislocate, they are at a greater risk of getting the fractures. Hansen & Puder (2009) stated that in the elderly, the bones become weak as they advance in age in postmenopausal phase. Then, a process called osteoporosis occurs. Hip fractures are common in females because of depleted estrogen levels which predispose them to fractures. By this it means, the bone mass and density gets depleted and in turn leaves it weak. Bentley (2009) notes that, one will know they have hip fractures when they experience pain that starts in the groin or upper thigh. The pain makes the patient walk or may be unable to walk depending on the severity. For pediatrics, they cry a lot and seek attention. Since they do not talk, it may be difficult to tell what they are suffering from, but can point the areas affected. Leroith, Taylor & olefsky (2004) noted that, in the promotive aspect, both gamma nailing, also known as the sliding hip screw is a prosthetic device that is considered to be the best implant for hip fractures, Babhulkar & Tanna (2013). Ben david (2000) stated that, inguinal hernia â€Å"means there is an opening in the muscle wall that does not close, and leaves a weak area in the belly muscle.† Inguinal surgery help enhance a healthy lifestyle for the individuals. In rehabilitation, the individuals are helped to continue with their activities of daily living if not all, but at least partially and this prevents overdependence. Others get cured from the condition completely unless they provoke the recurrence. An example of this is the inguinal surgery. One presents with a bulge in the groin and complains of round lump feeling, accompanied with acute pain that is on and off. According to Heimlich (1962), he stated that, it is good to note that the surgical team, that is the Operating Department Practitioners (ODP) Hattis (2013).  , should

Monday, August 12, 2019

Dehydration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dehydration - Essay Example It also serves as a medium for many chemical reactions, acting as either reactant or product (Wardlaw & Hampl, 2007; JÃ ©quier & Constant, 2009). Water also has the important function of thermoregulation due to its high heat capacity. Temperature is not drastically reduced or increased which is important in maintaining the integrity of cells. Waste excretion is another function that is attributed to water’s property to easily dissolve many substances. Many waste products are water-soluble and hence, are easily transported to the excretory system. Being incompressible, water can also serve as lubricant of joints, and in the production of amniotic fluid, saliva, and bile. Saliva aids in digestion, bile is involved in fat metabolism and breakdown, while amniotic fluid serves as a shock absorber that protects the developing fetus (Wardlaw & Hampl, 2007). In the body, water is important in the maintenance and continuation of the function of the circulatory system. Blood plasma, as it circulates in blood vessels, exchanges metabolic products, oxygen, nutrients and wastes with the interstitial fluid. Thus, dissolved substances in the plasma and interstitial fluid are similar, except that the plasma has more protein. However, the extracellular fluid differs largely from the fluid encompassed within the cells. The maintenance of these differences in fluid composition is one way for the cells to regulate their individual activities, like growth and metabolic activities. Cellular morphology is maintained by keeping a balance between electrolytes, osmotica, and water. The recommended water requirement for a healthy life has been published in many journal articles. Generally, these were based on intake levels that were expected to be nutritionally sufficient for health. It should be noted that water requirement is affected by climate, level of physical activity

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Geographies of war, occupation, resistance, and terrorism Essay

Geographies of war, occupation, resistance, and terrorism - Essay Example Unlike Britain and France, the major European powers, the US were highly recognized by Middle East as a good country with good people. Some of the key factors that improved US image in the eyes of the Middle East countries include the introduction of up-to-date medicine initiatives in the region, establishment of educational institutions, and provision of qualified petroleum engineers. As a result of the contributions of the US made in Middle East, the two regions had a strong connection prior to the Second World War. However, in the recent past, the two regions had a negative relationship that had triggered political unrest. This paper seeks to analyze the causes and solutions of the conflicts between Middle East and US. Even though Arabs and Israel have been involved in conflicts for a long period of time, the vested interest of the foreign countries, also referred to as foreign elite, has triggered the violence that led to large number of deaths in the Middle East countries. In ad dition to the US, China, Britain, Germany and Russia have also focused at controlling the oil in the Middle East countries. It is worth noting that as long as the foreign elite continue to be involved in the Middle East politics, the conflicts will remain unresolved. ... According to the Arab countries, US is the major cause of the conflict based on its political suppression, occupation of native land, military invasion as well as continued support of Israel on its political suppression against Palestine (Wu Sike 15). Additionally, Middle East countries argue that the US have negatively affected the culture of Arab countries by bringing about western values that have sabotaged the significant values of Islam community. As a result of the US invasion, the radical in the Middle East have gone to the extreme in their endeavor to resist the US control resulting to the emergence of terrorism. Another major cause of the animosity between the US and Middle East is the aim of the former to control the Middle East oil. In their efforts to expand their oil reserves, the US and other powerful states interferes with Arab-Israel conflicts with an aim of controlling the vast petroleum resources that acts as the major source of income for the Middle East countries. As a result, Arab countries have joined together to attack US interests in their countries such as the embassies, diplomats and other expatriates. In their efforts to improve their economy and intensify their control over the Middle East foreign countries have continued to sell weapons to the Arab countries an aspect that instigated conflicts in the Middle East. In this regard, it is fundamental for the UN and other international organizations to ban the sale of weapons to the Middle East countries to eliminate the war that has decapitated the economy of the Arab countries. Morris (37) argues that the emergence of corrupt and poor leadership in Middle East is one of the

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Intro to Mngt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intro to Mngt - Essay Example Management is a generic term which can be applied to anything undertaken. It could be management of any kind of task. While business pertains to larger entity and usually involves more resources consumption, more manpower utilization and ultimately broader scope. Management usually requires more clerical and on the paper activity while business may be conducted in aloofness from the on the paper procedures and documentation. Business can be that of commercial level and outdoor activities. Management at the same can be applied to businesses while the term is non exclusive one towards management. In other words, each has their own domain yet management being implementable to business, while the latter may not be implementable to the former. Classical Approach of Management came to fore at a time when the industrial development rose up and the need was felt for making use of the industrial environment in a better way. As a result different modes of classical approach were introduced which are vis a vis: Each has given flexible options in their own way and have improved the manner in which businesses were being conducted in past. The proponent of this theory was F.W. Taylor (Raju & Parthasarathy 2004). While scientific management approach is reliant on the technical knowledge and based on that knowledge the execution according to the desired manner. In a collective way, these three models have paved way for the current state of managerial development and the fruit being extracted from it in form of high productivity and satisfaction of all the stakeholders. Bureaucratic management model was more focused on public administration and the working and governance of the controlling lines such as political and line management. its traces can be stretched back to 18th century and the pioneer behind this idea was Max Weber. Out of these three, administrative management provides more options, for the mere reason that it takes